


Eagle Wood, Agarwood

Scientific Name : Aquilaria crassna Pierre ex Lecomte
Family : Thymelaeaceae
Structural haracteristics : An evergreen tree growing to 30m tall, having ellipsoid leaves with sparse hairs, and scented white flowers in bunches of 4-6 florets. It flowers in the hot season and fruits from May-June. The ellipsoid, almost rounded fruit are 2.5-3.5 cm long. The oil extracted from the wood of this tree is among the most expensive scented volatile oils in the world.
Where to find them : Where to find it :Scattered in rain forest and mixed deciduous forest, likes to grow near water, such as on Nature Trails 1, 2 and 6.

Dipterocarpus gracilis

Scientific Name : Dipterocarpus gracilis Blume
Family : Dipterocarpaceae
Structural haracteristics : A tall dipterocarp found in evergreen forest. Its tall canopy is buffeted by wind and so relies on wind for seed dispersal. Its seeds have evolved to be long and thin to spin in the wind.
Where to find them : Evergreen dipterocarp forest and rain forest. They can be observed from any of Khao Yai’s Nature Trails.

Calamus viminalis (Willd.)

Scientific Name : Calamus viminalis Willd.
Family : Arecaceae
Structural haracteristics : A species of palm with strong spathes covered with sharp thorns. The tissue inside is soft, crispy, white and with a bitter taste. The leaves have thorns, the fruit are rounded and green at first, ripening to a yellow white with an astringent taste
Where to find them : Dry to wet rain forest

Wild Nutmeg

Scientific Name : Knema globularia (Lam.) Warb.
Family : Myristicaceae
Structural haracteristics : A hardy perennial growing to 10-25 meters tall. At the crown of this tree is a tall, rounded bush, and the bark is brown, inside pink. Young shoots, leaves and flower buds have a brown crust. The fruit are spheroid or oval and their skin has brown hair. They start as green and ripen to orange, breaking in two halves, around June to August.
Where to find them : Rain forest

Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.) R. Parker

Scientific Name : Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.) R. Parker
Family : Meliaceae
Structural haracteristics : Large evergreen tree with a dense crown and leaves growing in 3-7 pairs. Small round yellowish flowers and spherical fruit, which ripen into three segments with three dark-brown seeds covered with bright red flesh.
Where to find them : Rain forest


Scientific Name : Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth.
Family : Theaceae
Structural haracteristics : A tall evergreen tree standing 35 meters high, having a dense crown with single leaves in a spiral. Buds have stems and flower singly or in a group on the leaf axil. The flowers have 5 white petals and the fruit are hard.
Where to find them : Rain forest

agnolia baillonii (Pierre)

Scientific Name : Magnolia baillonii Pierre
Family : Magnoliaceae
Structural haracteristics : A tall 35 meters tree with ovoid leaves coming to short points with hair underneath. The white scented and curved flowers come out in bunches.
Where to find them : Dry and montane forest to elevations of 1,300 meters.

“Wai Daeng” Renanthera coccinea Lour.

Scientific Name : Renanthera coccinea Lour.
Family : Orchidaceae
Structural haracteristics : This is an orchid growing from rock crevices and is found throughout clearings of dry forest in Khao Yai National Park, The orchids grow in profusion from the cliffs by the stream of Huay Lamtakong close to Pha Kluay Mai (“orchid cliff”) Waterfall, giving the waterfall its name.

Renanthera coccinea has long parallel stems, and is about 1.5-3 cm. wide and 7-8cm long, ending in a concave leaf. It flowers in dividing bunches. The flowers are dark red and measure 3.5cm in full bloom. The petals at the bell are small, while the end of the petal is a long and sharp protrusion.
Where to find them : Pha Kluay Mai Waterfall

“Samek Khao” Agapetes

Scientific Name : Agapetes bracteata Hook. f. ex C. B. Clarke
Family : Ericaceae
Structural haracteristics : A single-habitat plant in Thailand, it is a round bush some 2m high with hair at the end of its branches, axils, inflorescences and flower stems. Oval leaves are 5cm. The ends of the leaves are long and pointed, and inflorescences are 5-7cm long.
Where to find them : Grows on boughs in hill evergreen forest at elevations of 1,200 meters upwards. at Khao Rom, Khao Laem and Khao Khieaw

“Moli Siam” (Reevesia pubescens var. siamensis (Craib) Anthony)

Scientific Name : Reevesia pubescens var. siamensis (Craib) Anthony
Family : Sterculiaceae
Structural haracteristics : A single habitat plant in Thailand, it is a handsome plant standing 5-12 meters tall. Young leaves and flowers are covered with very fine hair. Ovoid leaves come to a point, and the bell-shaped flowers are pinkish-white with a mild scent. The fruit are oval, light green and hairy, and the flesh is hard.
Where to find them : Around Khao Khieaw

“Khreua Phu Ngoen” Argyreia mollis (Burm. f.) Choisy

Scientific Name : Argyreia mollis (Burm. f.) Choisy
Family : Convolvulaceae
Structural haracteristics : A climber with hard stems, which can scale up to 10m. The young branches have a fine white-brown hair. The oval fruits have pointed ends. One inflorescence has 1-5 pinkish-purple flowers with a white bell. Flowers are 3.5-4 cm., and the fruits are round and orange-red.

Argyreia mollis is a plant with many herbal properties. The whole plant can be juiced to make an eye lotion to cure infection. The root can be boiled with water to make a cough medicine. The leaves can be used in a poultice to treat abscesses
Where to find them : In young forest and scrub forest, mixed deciduous forest and alongside trails and roads in Khao Yai National Park, from the lower areas to 1,000 meters above sea level.

“Euang Nam Tarn” Dendrobium heterocarpum Lindl.

Scientific Name Dendrobium heterocarpum Lindl.
Family : Orchidaceae
Structural haracteristics : An epiphyte orchid 15-30cm long in the shape of a spear, 1.5-2.5cm wide and 10-16cm long. It flowers in short bunches with 2-5 florets, which are 4-5cm wide in full bloom. Petals and sepals are creamy white to yellowy-brown. Petals at the mouth are yellow to dark brown with brown stripes, and the flower has an attractive scent.
Where to find them : Rain forest at elevations above 1,000 meters

ervilia khaoyaica Suddee (Watthana & S.W. Gale)

Scientific Name : Nervilia khaoyaica Suddee (Watthana & S.W. Gale)
Family : Nervilia
Structural haracteristics : This is an orchid growing from the soil on the mountains at an average elevation of 733 meters and measures 9 cm. from ground to flower. It has light brown-green sepals, which can be dark brown or even red. Five petals each have a green or yellow band running down the middle surrounded by violet bands and spots. The leaves are heart-shaped and are green or purple.
Where to find them : Scattered around the rain forest on the route to Pha Kluay Mai waterfall.

Scutellaria khaoyaiensis A. J. Paton

Scientific Name : Scutellaria khaoyaiensis A. J. Paton
Family : Lamiaceae
Structural haracteristics : A newly discovered annual species, 20-40cm tall, with inflorescences appearing at the end of a shoot. Petals at the base are fused into a curved dark-blue tube. The lower petals have white spots. Oval leaves have notched edges and sharp points, and the seeds are brown
Where to find them : Around Khao Khieaw, Khao Yai National Park, on moist rocks by streams

Polypleurum ubonense

Scientific Name : Polypleurum ubonense
Family : Podostemaceae
Structural haracteristics : This newly-reported species is a herbaceous perennial whose roots are hard plates and leaves are small and scaly. The flowers are very small, bloom singly at the end of the shoot, and have only 2 petals. It sprouts on rocks with turbulent flowing water such as streams and waterfalls, and is adapted to live underwater during the rainy season. When water levels fall it becomes visible, but is often overlooked because of its small size.
Where to find them : On rocks under Lam Takhong stream leading to Pha Kluay Mai Waterfall and Hin Pherng rapids, in the Southern Area of Khao Yao National Park.
เปราะหินเหลือง (เปราะเขาใหญ่)

Monolophus saxicola (K. Larsen) Veldkamp & Mood

Scientific Name : Monolophus saxicola (K. Larsen) Veldkamp & Mood
Family : Zingiberaceae
Structural haracteristics : Endemic plants or plants of Thailand It is a herbaceous plant that grows on moist rocks. national park Phu Hin Rong Kla. The species identification word "saxicola" comes from the Latin word "saxum" meaning stone, meaning that this plant likes to grow on rocks. Plants in the Caulokaempferia genus were originally separated and Classified in many genera, such as Boesenbergia alba (K. Larsen & R. M. Sm.), Mood & L. M. Princ are classified in the Boesenbergia genus, while those with yellow flowers are classified in the Monolophus genus.
Where to find them : Grows in groups on rocks with dense moss. Under the shade in the mountain evergreen forest, height 900-1,100 meters, especially in the Khao Kheow area. Khao Yai National Park
Phanakorn Kraomklang